Rita Moreno On Trump: ‘I Am Not About To Vote For Someone Who Has 91 Indictments

In a recent interview on “The View,” Rita Moreno, the celebrated Hollywood icon, shared her candid thoughts on the political landscape. At 92, Moreno is not only an entertainment legend but also an astute observer of current affairs. Her sharp critique of the comparison between former President Trump’s 91 criminal charges and President Biden’s age of 81 stirred significant discourse. Let’s explore Moreno’s insights and the broader implications of her remarks.

Rita Moreno’s Stand Against Political Rhetoric

Rita Moreno, renowned for her candid demeanor, wasted no time in denouncing the prevalent rhetoric surrounding the political landscape. With clarity and conviction, she underscored the disparity between Trump’s legal entanglements and Biden’s age, adamantly asserting her stance on the matter.

Comparing Apples To Oranges: Moreno’s Take

Moreno aptly pointed out the fallacy in equating Trump’s legal troubles with Biden’s age, labeling such comparisons as “stupid.” With a wealth of experience and insight, she emphasized the importance of evaluating candidates based on their accomplishments and qualifications rather than indulging in sensationalist narratives.

Insights from “The View”

During her appearance on “The View,” Moreno engaged in a thought-provoking exchange with co-host Ana Navarro, shedding light on the intricacies of contemporary politics. Through her interactions, she emphasized the need for nuance and critical thinking in evaluating political discourse.

Addressing Misconceptions About President Biden

In a subsequent interview with The Hill, Moreno dispelled misconceptions surrounding President Biden’s age, urging Americans to look beyond superficial appearances and focus on substantive issues. Her remarks served as a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in political discourse.

The Need for Informed Voting

Moreno’s outspoken critique underscores the significance of informed voting in shaping the future of democracy. By encouraging voters to prioritize substance over sensationalism, she advocates for a more nuanced and discerning approach to political engagement.

Navigating Political Discourse

In today’s polarized political climate, Moreno’s insights offer a refreshing perspective on navigating complex issues with clarity and integrity. Her unwavering commitment to truth and accountability serves as a beacon of hope in an era fraught with division and misinformation.


Rita Moreno’s bold stance on the intersection of politics and media highlights the importance of critical thinking and discernment in shaping public discourse. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary politics, her words serve as a timely reminder of the power of individual agency in effecting meaningful change.


How does Rita Moreno view the comparison between Trump’s indictments and Biden’s age?

Rita Moreno unequivocally rejects the comparison, labeling it as “stupid” and emphasizing the need for a more nuanced approach to evaluating political candidates.

What is Moreno’s stance on sensationalist narratives in politics?

Moreno advocates for a shift away from sensationalism towards a more substantive evaluation of candidates based on their accomplishments and qualifications.

What insights does Moreno offer on President Biden’s age?

Moreno dispels misconceptions surrounding Biden’s age, urging Americans to focus on substantive issues rather than superficial appearances.

How does Moreno navigate political discourse on platforms like “The View”?

Moreno engages in thoughtful dialogue, emphasizing the importance of nuance and critical thinking in evaluating complex issues.

What does Moreno’s critique signify in today’s political climate?

Moreno’s critique underscores the need for informed voting and critical engagement in shaping the future of democracy.

How can Moreno’s insights inform our approach to political discourse?

Moreno’s insights serve as a reminder of the power of individual agency in effecting meaningful change, urging us to prioritize truth and accountability in our interactions.

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